North Carolina Press Foundation provides content for young readers. Background knowledge related to current issues comes from multiple sources, including newspapers that archive stories, local, state and national museums, libraries and government agencies that digitize news and information.
NC NIE collaborations produced the following features:
Five features below provide background on the historic court decision, Brown v. Board of Education—Thanks to the Levine Museum of the New South, Charlotte, N.C. and Tom Hanchett, author and historian, for assistance.
A Variety of Topics in the News
Thanks to Crystal Willis for designing the features.
The U.S. Constitution and Election Bill of Rights quiz (black and white) and Bill of Rights quiz (color)--Thanks to the Fayetteville Observer for assistance. Saluting the Constitution (for print), and Saluting the Constitution (screen version), an informative series with student activities that include details about North Carolina's ratification of the U.S. Constitution—Thanks to Mike Peterson and the Fayetteville Observer for assistance. US Postage Stamps, a nine-part series on constitutional issues—Thanks to the Outer Banks Sentinel for making available columns written by the late Jack Dempsey. Citizens Together (a five-part series on the Bill of Rights)--Thanks to Mary Miller, NYNPA for designing the educational features.
Summer reading remains essential. Learners lose ground when they stop reading during breaks from school. Newspapers remain available during the summer and support summer reading and other literacy initiatives. Contact your local public library about summer reading programs and visit the website that describes the Collaborative Summer Library Program,
In-paper Features (Fuel the Fire)
NC Newspapers in Education produced thirteen (13) features on the theme, Fuel the Fire!, and made the features available at no charge to North Carolina newspapers in 2014. Even though the features were released to support summer reading, they can be used anytime.
Interested in the 13 features but outside NC? Send inquiries to
The thirteen (13) features are offered below:
STORIES to publish alongside features
For "This Day in North Carolina History," the Department of Cultural Resources produced 200-word blogs about FAMOUS FIRES. Identify stories related to “fires” or other NC-related topics to supplement or publish as educational features by searching your archives and the Cultural Resources’ site:
Credits: Sandra Cook, NCPF, NC NIE wrote the features; Crystal Willis, Production Manager, Carteret County News-Times, Morehead City, NC designed the features; and Aleah Howell, UNC-CH student designed the logo. Prepared April 2, 2014